This year’s 3Dcamp

This is the 5th year of 3Dcamp – when did time fly?

When we started back in 2008, there were a number of similar events running in various cities. There was a podcamp in Kilkenny, a barcamp in Cork,  and in 2008 we had a webcamp in Cork before the BlogTalk conference.

When we started discussing the idea of a barcamp at UL, James put forward the idea of branding it as 3Dcamp. It was a time when 3D representations were seen as the coolest thing after sliced bread, Second Life and other virtual worlds were just surfacing. Google Earth and Sketchup were trendy, and everybody was interested in wii hacks. I didn’t know much about 3D technologies at the time, but I was definitely ready to learn!

This year, we discussed about how  appropriate the 3D name is for what we are planning to include. Not very appropriate, but myself and James decided to keep it for this year, as it is a sort of brand by now.

So, for this year we encourage speakers to focus on:

  • Mobile applications
  • The Internet of Things
  • Augmented Reality
  • Maker/hacker-spaces
  • Open Data, Open Culture
  • Gestural Interfaces (Kinect)
  • 3D visualizations (Blender, Sketchup),
  • Virtual worlds & gaming (Second Life, the Metaverse)
  • Mapping mashups, GPS, geotagging, geocaching
  • Location-based Services (LBSs)
  • Urban games,  location-based mobile games
  • Robotics
  • Haptics and augmented toys (eg. Wiimote hacks),
  • Interactive art installations

Please keep an eye on the 3Dcamp website, our Twitter and Facebook page for news and updates. Speaker names and topics  will be added closer to the date.

The hashtag for 3Dcamp 2012 across all social media will be #3Dcamp12


March 18 2012 11:15 am | Events and Uncategorized and unconferences

One Response to “This year’s 3Dcamp”

  1. Bernie Goldbach on 18 Mar 2012 at 8:30 pm #

    Sounds good. I plan on being there for the whole day.