- Lampinen, A., Light, A., Rossitto, C., Fedosov, A., Bassetti, C., Bernat, A., Travlou, P. and Avram, G. (2022) Processes of Proliferation: Impact Beyond Scaling in Sharing and Collaborative Economies. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 6(GROUP), pp.1-22.
- Česnuitytė V., Klimczuk A., Miguel C., Avram G. (eds) The Sharing Economy in Europe. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
- Miguel C., Avram G., Klimczuk A., Simonovits B., Balázs B., Česnuitytė V. (2022) The Sharing Economy in Europe: From Idea to Reality. In: Česnuitytė V., Klimczuk A., Miguel C., Avram G. (eds) The Sharing Economy in Europe. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
- Avram, G., and Hysa, E.(2022) Education, Knowledge and Data in the Context of the Sharing Economy, In: Česnuitytė V., Klimczuk A., Miguel C., Avram G. (eds) The Sharing Economy in Europe. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
- Klimczuk, Andrzej, Vida Česnuitytė, and Gabriela Avram, eds. (2021) The Collaborative Economy in Action: European Perspectives.Limerick, Ireland: University of Limerick.
- Klimczuk, Andrzej, Vida Česnuitytė, and Gabriela Avram. (2021) The Collaborative Economy in Action: Context and Outline of Country Reports , In The Collaborative Economy in Action: European Perspectives, Eds. Klimczuk, A., Česnuitytė, V. and Avram, G., p.6–21. Limerick, Ireland: University of Limerick
- Petrelli, D., Ciolfi, L., Avram, G. (2021) Envisioning, designing, and rapid prototyping heritage installations with a tangible interaction toolkit, Human–Computer Interaction, 1-41
- Korsgaard, H., Lewkowicz, M., Boden, A., Avram, G., Bødker, S.(2020) Studying Technical Mechanisms for Supporting Sharing Communities, Proceedings of 18th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, Siegen, Germany
- Avram, G. (2020) Framework for DPEB Learning and Education, Deliverable D3.4, +CityxChange H2020 project
- O’Shea, K., Avram, G., O Murchú, N. (2019) ‘In search of alternative housing solutions – When the collaborative economy meets housing’. In: Travlou, P. and Ciolfi, L. (Eds.). Ethnographies of Collaborative Economies Conference Proceedings. University of Edinburgh, 25 October 2019. ISBN 978-1-912669-11-0. Paper No. 14
- Ryan, A. and Avram, G. (2019) ’26. Constructing the collaborative consumer: the role of digital platforms’, Handbook of the Sharing Economy, Edward Elgar Publishing, p.329.
- Avram, G., Ciolfi, L., Spedale, S., Roberts, D., Petrelli, D. (2019) ‘Co-design goes large‘, Interactions 26, 5 (August 2019), 58-63. DOI:
- Killian S., Lannon J., Murray L., Avram G., Giralt M., O’Riordan S. (2019) ‘Experiential Service Learning in a PRME Context’, PRME UK & Ireland 6th Annual Conference, Leeds University, UK, 09/07/2019
- (2019)’Repositioning CoDesign in the age of platform capitalism: from sharing to caring‘, CoDesign, 15:3,185-191, DOI: 10.1080/15710882.2019.1638063
Killian, S., Lannon, J., Murray, L., Avram, G., Giralt, M., O’Riordan, S. (2019) ‘Social Media for Social Good: student engagement for the SDGs‘, The International Journal of Management Education, Volume 17, Issue 3, 2019, 100307, ISSN 1472-8117,
- O’Shea, K. and Avram, G. (2019) ‘Housing Ourselves: An Exploration of Collaborative Housing from an Irish Perspective‘, In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Communities & Technologies-Transforming Communities (pp. 295-299). ACM.
- Avram, G., Ciolfi, L. and Maye, L. (2019) ‘Creating tangible interactions with cultural heritage: lessons learned from a large scale, long term co-design project‘, CoDesign, DOI: 10.1080/15710882.2019.1596288
- Avram, G. (2019) This Is Our City! Urban Communities Re-appropriating Their City, in De Lange, M., de Waal, M. (eds), The Hackable City, Springer, ISBN 978-981-13-2694-3
- Webb, R., Avram, G., Burón García, J., Joyce, A. (2019) Transforming Cities by Designing with Communities, in De Lange, M., de Waal, M. (eds), The Hackable City, Springer Springer, ISBN 978-981-13-2694-3
- O’Shea, K., O’Murchu, N., Avram, G. (2018) Learning from Denmark’s experience with cohousing: Reflections for the Irish context, International Seminar “Socio-Technical Aspects of the Circular and Collaborative Economy”, University Rovira i Virgili (Tarragona, Spain), 16th March 2018
- Avram, G. (2017) Nomadicity – Bug or Feature?, in In Pinatti de Carvalho, A.F., Rossitto, C., Lampinen, A., Ciolfi, L., Gray, B. (Eds.), International Reports on Socio-Informatics (IRSI), 14(3), 15–19.
- Avram, G., Choi, J.H., De Paoli, S., Light, A., Lyle, P., Teli. M. (2017) “Collaborative Economies: From Sharing to Caring. “, in Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Communities and Technologies (C&T ’17). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 305-307.
- Avram, G. (2017) “The Limerick Dance Halls Project: The Charm of Discreet Technology” in Ciolfi, L.,Damala, A., Hornecker, E., Maye, L.(eds) Cultural Heritage Communities, Routledge
- Maye, L., Bouchard, D., Avram, G., Ciolfi, L.(2017)”Supporting Cultural Heritage Professionals Adopting and Shaping Interactive Technologies in Museums“, In Proceedings of the 2017 conference on Designing interactive systems (DIS’18). ACM, New York, NY, USA
- Lannon, J., Killian, S., Murray, L., Avram, G., O’Riordan, S. (2017) “Building Resilience Through Experiential Learning: A Case Study of Undergraduate Engagement with Community Organisations”, presentation at the Shannon Consortium Symposium: ‘Shaping and reshaping the landscape of Teaching and Learning: Perspectives from the Shannon Consortium’ -Sharing Challenges, Inspirations and Innovations in Teaching and Learning, Limerick, 30 May 2017
- Grönvall, E., Ciolfi, L., Avram, G., Rossitto, C. and Barkhuus, L. (2016), “HCI at the Boundary of Work and Life”, Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, Online first, June 2016
- Avram, G. and Maye, L.(2016)” Co-designing Encounters with Digital Cultural Heritage“, In Proceedings of the 2016 companion publication on Designing interactive systems (DIS Companion ’16). ACM, New York, NY, USA, pp 17-20
- Ciolfi, L. and Avram, G.(2016) “Digital social interactions in the city: Reflecting on location-based social networks”, in Kitchin, R.& Perng, S.Y.(Ed.) Code and the City, Routledge, Oxford, UK
- Ciolfi, L., Avram, G. , Maye, L., Dulake, N., Marshall, M.T., VanDijk, D., McDermott, F.(2016) “Articulating Co-Design in Museums: Reflections on Two Participatory Processes“, In Proceedings of the 19th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing (CSCW ’16). ACM, New York, NY, USA, pp.13-25
- Damala, A., van der Vaart, M., Clarke,L., Hornecker, E., Avram, G., Kockelkorn, H., Ruthven, I. (2016) “Evaluating tangible and multisensory museum visiting experiences: Lessons learned from the meSch project“, Museums and the Web 2016, 6-9 April, Los Angeles, California, U.S.
- Ciolfi, L., Petrelli, D., McDermott, F., Avram, G. and van Dijk, D. (2015), “Co-Design to Empower Cultural Heritage Professionals as Technology Designers: The meSch Project”, in Bihanic, D. (Ed.), Empowering Users Through Design, London: Springer, 213-224
- Pipek, V., Avram, G. and De Cindio, F. (2015) Communities and Technologies – Introduction. Interactions 23, 1 (December 2015), 34-35.
- Avram, G.(2014)Enriching Smart Artefacts with a Social Dimension, Personal or Social? Designing Mobile Interactions for Co-located Interaction workshop at NordiCHI ’14, 27 October 2014, Helsinki, Finland
- Avram, G.(2014) Turning Spaces into Places –Weaving the Digital Double, Making Places: Visualization, Interaction and Experience in Urban Space workshop at NordiCHI ’14, 26 October 2014, Helsinki, Finland
- Maye, L., McDermott, F., Ciolfi, L., and Avram, G. (2014) Interactive exhibitions design: what can we learn from cultural heritage professionals? In Proceedings of the 8th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction: Fun, Fast, Foundational (NordiCHI ’14). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 598-607.
- McDermott, F., Maye, L., Avram, G. (2014) Co-designing a Collaborative Platform with Cultural Heritage Professionals, In Proceedings of iHCI 2014, 1-2 September 2014, Dublin, 18-26.
- McDermott, F., Clarke, L., Hornecker, E., Avram, G. (2013) Challenges and opportunities faced by cultural heritage professionals in designing interactive exhibits, Proceedings of the NODEM 2013 Conference, Stockholm, December 2013
- Avram, G.(2013) Starting a Garden, Caring for It, Growing with It – a Study on Collective Practices in Urban Gardening, ECSCW conference – Adjunct Proceedings, Paphos, Cyprus, 21-25 Sept. 2013
- Avram G.(2013), Caring for Facebook Pages – When Is It Work, and When Isn’t It?,CSCW at the Boundary of Work and Life Workshop at ECSCW 2013, 21 September 2013 (Cyprus)
- Avram, G., Slattery, J., Ryan, A., Festl, L. (2013) On Oral Histories, Communities and Annotating the City, Digital Cities 8 at the Communities&Technologies Conference in Munich, Germany, 30 June 2013
- Avram, G., Boden, A., Posch, I., Stevens, G.(2013) Do-it-Yourself Sustainable Living: Opportunities and challenges for DIY communities, Post-sustainability workshop at CHI 2013, Paris, France, 27 April 2013
- Richter, A., Stocker, A., Müller, S., Avram, G. (2013) Knowledge management goals revisited: A cross-sectional analysis of social software adoption in corporate environments, VINE, Vol. 43 Iss: 2, pp.132 – 148
- Prikladnicki,R., Boden, A., Avram, G., de Souza, CRB, Wulf, V.(2013) Data collection in global software engineering research: learning from past experience, Empirical Software Engineering, August 2014, Volume 19, Issue 4, pp 822-856
- Boden, A., Avram, G., Bannon, L. and Wulf, V. (2012), Knowledge sharing practices and the impact of cultural factors: reflections on two case studies of offshoring in SME. Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, Special Issue: International Conference on Global Software Engineering (ICGSE 2009) , Wiley, Volume 24, Issue 2, pp. 139–152, March 2012
- Avram, G. (2012) Connected Limerick-Exploring Urban Spaces Through Digital Traces, iHCI conference, NUI Galway, 20-21 June 2012
- Avram, G. (2012) Looking at the City Through Digitally-Tainted Glasses, Local and Mobile Conference, NCSU, 16-18 March 2011
- Richter, A., Stocker, A., Müller, S. and Avram, G. (2011) Knowledge Management Goals Revisited – A Cross-Sectional Analysis of Social Software Adoption in Corporate Environments . ACIS 2011 Proceedings. Paper 24.- BEST KM PAPER AWARD at ACIS 2011.
- Avram, G., Wulf, V.,(2011) Guest editorial: Studying work practices in Global Software Engineering, Information and Software Technology, Volume 53, Issue 9, Studying work practices in Global Software Engineering, September 2011, Pages 949-954, ISSN 0950-5849.
- Avram, G.,Ciolfi, L. and McLoughlin, M. (2010), “Get Connected: Your Museum and Social Media”, Museum Ireland, Vol. 20, Irish Museums Association, pp110-120
- Avram G.(2010) ‘Social Objects and their Role in Building a Community’, Incentives and Motivation for Web-Based Collaboration (Webcentives) Workshop, co-located with the COOP 2010 Conference, Aix-en-Provence, 18-21 May 2010
- Avram, G.(2009) Tell me why! – facilitating adoption and usage of web 2.0 tools in academia, Academia 2.0 and beyond – How Social Software changes research and education in academia workshop, co-located with ECSCW’09, Vienna, Austria, 8 September 2009
- Avram, G., Bannon, L., Bowers, J., Sheehan, A., Sullivan, D. (2009) ‘Bridging, Patching and Keeping the Work Flowing: Defect Resolution in Distributed Software Development’, Special Issue dedicated to ‘Software Engineering as Cooperative Work’ Guest Edited by Yvonne Dittrich, Dave W. Randall and Janice Singer, Journal of Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Volume 18, Numbers 5-6, pp. 477-507
- Boden, A., Avram, G, Bannon, L., Wulf, V. (2009) ‘Knowledge Management in Distributed Software Development Teams – Does Culture Matter?’, ICGSE, pp.18-27, Fourth IEEE International Conference on Global Software Engineering, 2009, Limerick, Ireland
- Boden, A., Avram, G.(2009) ‘Bridging Knowledge Distribution – The Role of Knowledge Brokers in Distributed Software Development Teams’,Proceedings of the 2009 ICSE Workshop on Cooperative and Human Aspects on Software Engineering, Vancouver, Canada, May 2009
- Richardson, I., Avram, G., Deshpande, S.,Casey. V., (2008)‘Having a Foot on Each Shore – Bridging Global Software Development in the Case of SMEs’, in chair Avritzer, A. Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Global Software Engineering, Bangalore, India, 19-21st August, 2008, IEEE Computer Society Washington, DC, USA, 13-22
- Avram, G., O’Donovan, B., Bannon, L. (2008) ‘What is happening behind the firewall?- The emerging role of social software in IBM’, presented at BlogTalk 08, Cork, Ireland, 3-4 March 2008
- Avram, G., Bannon, L., Sheehan, A., Sigfridsson, A., Sullivan, D. (2008) ‘Examining Life at the Code Face‘, Proceedings of the 2008 international Workshop on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering, Leipzig, Germany, May 13 – 13, 2008. CHASE ’08. ACM, New York, NY, 5-8.
- Sigfridsson A., Avram, G., Sheehan, A. (2008) ‘Work practices in PyPy: an exploration of sprint-driven software development’, Studying Work Practices in Global Software Development workshop, ICGSE’08, Bangalore, India, 17 August 2008
- Avram, G. (2007) ‘Knowledge Work Practices in Global Software Development‘, Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management, 5 (4) 347-356
- Sigfridsson A., Avram, G., Sheehan, A. Sullivan, D. K.(2007) ‘Sprint-driven development: working, learning and the process of enculturation in the PyPy community‘ Third International Conference on Open Source Systems, Limerick, Ireland, June 11-13 2007, Springer, 133-146
- Avram, G. (2007) ‘Of Deadlocks and Peopleware: Collaborative Work Practices in Global Software Development‘, Proceedings of the International Conference on Global Software Engineering 2007, Munich, Germany, 27-31 August 2007, IEEE Computer Society Washington, DC, USA, 91-102
- Avram, G. (2007)’Knowledge Work Practices in Global Software Development’, Proceedings of the European Conference on Knowledge Management, Barcelona, Spain, 6-7 September 2007, Academic Conferences, Reading, UK
- Avram, G. (2007)’Developing Outsourcing Relationships: A Romanian Service Provider Perspective‘, The First Information Systems Workshop on Global Sourcing- Services, Knowledge and Innovation, Val d’Isere, France, 13-15 March 2007
- Exton, C., Avram, G., Buckley J., LeGear, A.(2007) ‘An Experiential Report on the Limitations of Experimentation as a Means of Empirical Investigation’, 19th Annual Psychology of Programming Workshop, Joensuu, Finland , 2-6 July 2007
- Avram, G., Sheehan A., Sullivan D.K (2007)’Defect Tracking Systems in Global Software Development-a work practice study‘, The Challenges of Collaborative Work in Global Software Development Workshop in conjunction with ECSCW’07, Limerick, Ireland , 25 Sept 2007
- Avram, G., Bannon, L., Sheehan, A., Sigfridsson, A., Sullivan, D.(2007) ‘Coping with distribution – emergent collaborative work practices‘, poster presented at the IBM CASCON Symposium, Dublin, Ireland, 24 Oct 2007. Received Best Poster Award.
- Avram G. (2006) ‘At the Crossroads of Knowledge Management and Social Software‘, Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management , 4 (1) 1-10
- Bannon, L., Avram, G.(2006) ‘Constructing common information spaces in global software development’, Proceedings of the Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems 06, Venice, Italy, 5 Oct 2006, 241 – 248
- Ras, E., Avram, G., Waterson, P., Weibelzahl S.(2005) ‘Using Weblogs for Knowledge Sharing and Learning in Information Spaces‘, Journal of Universal Computer Science, 11 (3) 394-409
- Avram G.,(2005) ‘At the Crossroads of Knowledge Management and Social Software’, Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Knowledge Management, University of Limerick, Ireland, 8-9 September 2005
- Avram G. (2004) ‘Empirical Study on Knowledge Based Systems’, Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation (EJISE),8 (1), 11-20
- Avram G. (2004) ‘DIGLIT- a K-log for documenting a project on digital literacy’, in ed. Burg T. BlogTalks , pp.239-246, ISBN 3-901806-99-7
- Avram G., Avram Gh.(2004) ‘ePortfolios’ (Chapter 1.7), ‘Portfolio Inventory in Romania’ (Chapter 2.3) in ed. Crisona, G. Pellea – Research and Inventory of present Portfolio use in Education – especially in the IT sector -A Survey Report, ISBN 88-87156-06-9
- Avram G., Ras E., Weibelzahl S.(2004) ‘Using Weblogs for Eliciting new Experiences and Creating Learning Elements for Experienced-based Information Systems’, Proceedings of the I-KNOW Conference, June 2004, Graz, Austria.
- Waterson P., Avram G., Kerr M., Punter T.(2004) ‘Online communities: what motivates people to take part?’ Proceedings of the European Conference for Knowledge Management Evaluation (ECKM ’04), 3-5 September 2004, Paris, France
- Avram G.(2004) ‘Empirical Study on Knowledge Based Systems’, Proceedings of the European Conference on IT Evaluation (ECITE ’04), 9-10 November 2004, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
- Avram G. (2003) Business Information Systems: Management, Evaluation, Audit, (Sisteme informatice economice: management, evaluare, audit- in Romanian), Bucharest: AISTEDA Publishing House (Economics Series no. 45), ISBN 973-8408-01-06
- Kristensen, O. B., Ganzinga J., Thissen J, Avram G., Dumitriu O.( 2002) ECDL for everyone – Joint Report on Digital Literacy, ed. Avram G, Bucharest: AISTEDA Publishing House
- Avram G.(2003) ‘DIGLIT- a K-log for documenting a project on digital literacy’, presentation at the BlogTalk Conference, Vienna, Austria, May 2003
- Avram G.(2003) ‘K-logs and their potential contribution to knowledge management’, Proceedings of the Business Informatics Symposium, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania, May 2003
- Avram G.(2002) ‘Transformation through Knowledge Management’, Proceedings of the Economy and Management of Transformation International Symposium, Timisoara West University, Romania, May 2002
- Avram G.(2002) ‘Risk Management and IT Evaluation’, Proceedings of the InfoBusiness 2002 International Symposium, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi, Romania, May 2002
- Avram G.(2002) ‘ICT Education in Bridging the Digital Divide’, Proceedings of E-comm-line, International Symposium on e-commerce, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania, 26-27 September 2002
- Avram G.(2001) ‘Evaluation of Investments in e-Commerce in the Romanian Business Environment’, Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation, 4 (4)
- Avram G.(2001) ‘The Investments in the Corporate Intellectual Capital and their Effects on Information Systems'( ‘Investitiile Œn capitalul intelectual al firmei si implicatiile lor asupra sistemului informatic’- in Romanian), Proceedings of the Bogdan Voda University Conference, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, April 2001
- Avram G.(2001) ‘IS/IT Evaluation – A Major Challenge for the Emerging Information Society’, Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on Business Informatics, the Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, May 2001
- Avram G.(2001) ‘Knowledge Management in the Information Society'(‘Gestiunea cunostintelor Œn societatea informationala’- in Romanian) , Proceedings of the Anniversary Conference, 1 Decembrie 1918 University, Alba Iulia, Romania, May 2001
- Avram G.(2001) ‘The quality manual as knowledge management tool – a decision support case study in a university’, Proceedings of the Romanian Business School Conference, Alba Iulia, Romania, June 2001
- Avram G.(2001) ‘The success drivers of investments in e-business ‘, Proceedings of E-comm-line, International Symposium on e-commerce, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania, 24-25 septembrie 2001
- Avram G.(2001) ‘The ERP Solutions and their Role in Enterprise Operations’ (‘Solutiile ERP si rolul lor Œn functionarea Œntreprinderii’) , Proceedings of the Anniversary Conference “Mirabila samƒnta”, AISTEDA Alba Iulia, Romania, 26-27 October 2001
- Avram G.(2001) ‘The University in the Context of E-learning and Lifelong Learning’, Proceedings of the Anniversary Conference “Mirabila samƒnta, AISTEDA Alba Iulia, Romania, 26-27 October 2001
- Avram G.(2001) ‘Knowledge Management in the Academic Environment’ , Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Knowledge Management, Bled, Slovenia, November 2001
- Avram G. (2001) Instruments for Evaluating Business Information Systems (Instrumente de evaluare a sistemelor informationale economice), PhD thesis, the Academy for Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania
- Avram G.(2000) ‘The role of IT in Business Process Reengineering’, The Romanian Conference of Cybernetics, 11th edition, ASE, Bucharest, Romania, November 2000
- Avram G.(2000) ‘The TCO method and the Evaluation of Information Systems ‘, ( ‘Metoda TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) Œn evaluarea sistemelor informatice’- in Romanian), in the Proceedings of the 2000 Anniversary Conference, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj, Romania, November 2000
- Avram G.(2000) ‘Evaluation of Investments in e-Commerce in the Romanian Business Environment’, Proceedings of the 7th European Conference of IS/IT Evaluation, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, Sept. 2000
- Avram G.(2000) ‘Information Economics and the Evaluation of Investments in E-commerce’, E-comm-line, International Symposium on e-commerce, the Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania, Sept 2000
- Avram G.(2000) ‘In Quest of a Model for Knowledge Management Evaluation’ , Proceedings of the 1st European Conference on Knowledge Management, Bled, Slovenia, October 2000
- Avram G.(2000) ‘Driving Business Value from IT and e-Transformation’ , Workshop Perspectives of Research in Business Informatics, University of Rostock, Rostock, Germany, March 2000
- Costache, D., Sprƒnceana, N., Sonea, E., Moise, M., Avram, G., Stefanescu, R., Todoran, Gh., Negoita, M, Mesaros, C. (1999) Quality Manual (Manualul calitatii -in Romanian), ed. Avram G, Bucharest: AISTEDA Publishing House
- Avram G.(1999) ‘The Balanced Scorecard – a Method for Developing and Implementing Performance Measures for Information Technology’, Proceedings of the 4th Symposium on Business Informatics, the Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania, May 1999
- Avram G.(1999) ‘Considerations on the Evaluation of Information Systems in Romanian SMEs’, Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on IS/IT Evaluation, Brunel University, Uxbridge, UK, October 1999
- Avram G.(1998) ‘The Information Systems seen from a TQM Perspective(Sistemele informationale din perspectiva managementului calitatii totale- in Romanian), Proceedings of the 8th Romanian Cybernetics Conference, the Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania, Nov 1998
- Avram G.(1997) ‘Risk analysis techniques for the audit of information systems’ (Tehnici de analiza riscului Œn auditul sistemelor informationale- Romanian language), Revista de Informatica Economica 2/1997, INFOREC, Bucharest, Romania
- Avram G.(1997) ‘Security audit of information systems’, Proceedings of the 3rd Symposium on Business Informatics, the Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania, May 1997
- Avram G.(1995) ‘How to evaluate the information systems (Comment evaluer les systemes d’information- in French)’, The Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium on Computer Science, the Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania, May 1995
- Kristensen, O. B., Ganzinga J., Thissen J, Avram G., Dumitriu O.( 2002) ‘ECDL for everyone – Joint Report on Digital Literacy (ECDL pentru fiecare – raport comun pe tema alfabetizarii digitale)’, Bucharest: AISTEDA Publishing House (translated from English into Romanian)
- Remenyi, D., (2001) IT Investments- How to write a Business Case(Investitiile in TI – redactarea unui studiu de eficienta), Bucharest: Club Europa Publishing House (translated from English into Romanian),
- Costache, D., Spranceana, N., Sonea, E., Moise, M., Avram, G., Stefanescu, R., Todoran, Gh., Negoita, M, Mesaros, C. (1999) Quality Manual -English version, Bucharest: AISTEDA Publishing House (translated from Romanian into English by Avram, G & Morris D.)
OECD SIGMA and PUMA Publications translated into Romanian
- Financial Management and Control for Public Agencies (“Managementul si controlul financiar al agentiilor publice”), SIGMA nr.32, AISTEDA Publishing House, 2002
- OECD Workshops on the Information Society (“Atelierele de lucru OCDE pe tema societatii informationale”), AISTEDA Publishing House, 2001
- The Impact of the Emerging Information Society on Policy Making and the Quality of Democracy (“Impactul societatii informationale Œn curs de aparitie asupra procesului de elaborare a politicilor si asupra calitatii democratiei”), PUMA papers, AISTEDA Publishing House, 2001
- Improvement of Evaluation Practices (“×mbunatatirea practicilor de evaluare”), PUMA Papers, AISTEDA Publishing House, 2001
- Central Bank Audit Practices (“Practici de auditare a bancii centrale”), SIGMA nr.24, AISTEDA Publishing House, 2000
- Budgeting for the Future (“Bugete pentru viitor”), PUMA papers, AISTEDA Publishing House, 2000
- Checklist for Law Drafting and Regulatory Management in Central and Eastern Europe(“Lista de control pentru elaborarea legislatiei si managementul reglementarilor Œn Europa Centrala si de Est”, SIGMA, nr.27, AISTEDA Publishing House, 2000
- Performance Evaluation – Practices, Problems and Critical Issues (“Evaluarea performantelor – practici, probleme si aspecte critice”), PUMA Papers, AISTEDA Publishing House, 2000
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