An IBM presentation at 3Dcamp

At the end of April, I attended an event organised by the IBM Ireland Innovation Centre in Dublin. Together with colleagues from several other Irish universities, we listened to some excellent presentations about the IBM Academic Initiative and the ongoing projects at the Dublin Software Lab. During the break, we had the chance to network and have a look at 3 remarkable demos. The presentations are now available for download.You’ll probably have to sign up for a developerWorks account first, but it is well worth it!

This is when I first heard about INNOV8 – “an interactive, 3-D business simulator designed to teach the fundamentals of business process management and bridge the gap in understanding between business leaders and IT teams in an organization.”

I invited Joanne Stanley from the Dublin IBM Innovation Centre to give a presentation on it at 3Dcamp, and I got a positive answer yesterday. Joanne wrote that if she can’t make it to Limerick, either her or Kevin Farrar, the IBM Academic Initiative Programme Leader for the UK and Ireland, will participate remotely and give a presentation on Innov8.

A short excerpt from the press release on the latest version of Innov8:

Building on the success of the original INNOV8 in the academic community, INNOV8 v.2 will be available at no cost to businesses and academic institutions for simulations and training. The new version features puzzles and tasks that challenge players to tackle real-world challenges. INNOV8 v.2 delivers a complete redesign of the game, with a new global collaboration feature for players to work with virtual teammates to progress to the next level of the game. In addition, three new game scenarios reflect a new level of intelligence required for future, high-value job opportunities:

You can access here the Press release for 8.2. You can also check the developers’ blog, and follow themĀ  on Twitter. They even have a page on Facebook!

May 27 2009 03:14 pm | Uncategorized

2 Responses to “An IBM presentation at 3Dcamp”

  1. IBM to talk on INNOV8 at 3Dcamp : 3Dcamp on 27 May 2009 at 8:57 pm #

    […] Gabriela has news of another great talk for 3Dcamp – […]

  2. Jay Clark on 28 May 2009 at 12:23 pm #

    If you’d like to know more about INNOV8, there’s a budding community on developerWorks. Here’s the short URL: Definitely check it out for more information.