My spectacular come back:-)

I’m dreaming about blogging day and night. Then why I’m not doing it?!

I’m a Virgo, you know, and we Virgos have the tendency to excessively analyse everything…
It took me quite a long time to analyse the reasons for my erratic blogging: mad workload (self-imposed!), lack of work-life balance and… a fair amount of good old procrastination…

I’m writing things in so many places that it’s difficult to keep track anymore… I’m kind of lost in the jungle of web 2.0 tools, and I realise more and more that, despite of being somehow “permanent”, most of the content I generate is ephemeral. My blog was a sort of central point where I used to be able to retrieve everything I needed from my past… Actually, this is what it was meant to be:

A place where stories, thoughts and ideas come together

Now this map of my past three years has a lot of blank zones… a lot of stubs, unpublished drafts… but I lost hope of ever getting back to them, and I decided to focus on the future…

I’m feeling much better now – got rid of my anxieties, accumulated some experience in my research domain and I’m more positive about finding ways to invest more time in this violon d’Ingres of mine which is social networks… playing my Connector role;-)

March was hectic, but great! The Webcamp on Social Networks in Galway, the Global Sourcing workshop in Val d’Isere, and BocSe (the Bosch Software Engineering conference) in Ludwigsburg, where Ita Richardson and myself were invited to give a tutorial on Global Software Development. I must confess I was a bit wary about calling it “tutorial”, because I doubted we could teach the Bosch software engineers anything new, but formally, there was no other way of doing it… It went amazingly well, and we enjoyed it as much as the participants…

April looks a bit less hectic – more time for producing stuff…

But May and June… oh, my! What’s on my list right now:

Exciting…and scary on the same time:-P

April 14 2007 10:36 am | Uncategorized