BlogTalk 2008 in Cork, Ireland

In case you haven’t heard yet, the next BlogTalk will happen in Cork, Ireland on 3-4 March 2008 – “continuing with its focus on social software, while remaining committed to the diverse cultures, practices and tools of our emerging networked society. The conference is designed to maintain a sustainable dialog between developers, innovative academics and scholars who study social software, practitioners and administrators in corporate and educational settings, and other general members of the social software community.”

The conference chairs are John Breslin and Thomas N. Burg , having Tom Raftery and Jan Schmidt as co-chairs.

The full call for proposals is available here, and the deadline for submitting proposals has been extended until December 7, 2007.

Rashmi Sinha of SlideShare and Nova Spivack of Radar Networks are among the invited speakers.

There’s a colocated WebCamp on Social Network Portability scheduled for the day before, March 2 2008.

As a member of the organising committee, I should have blogged about this long time before. But as always, I’m madly busy at work and can’t find enough time for the things I love doing!
Shame on me:(

November 27 2007 10:41 am | Uncategorized