Coming back

It’s really hard to catch up after such a long absence. Especially because of too many events, too many thoughts, too many comments on other’s ideas…

The first thing I would like to blog about is how frustrated I was not being able to attend the BlogWalk 1.0 in Enschede due to my health problems. And in the mean time how fortunate I felt having the chance to read so many things about it in the participants’ weblogs!

From Lilia Efimova’s announcement that it has started, through Ton Zylstra‘s description of the first day, Martin Roell’s concentrated and well-illustrated post, to the BlogWalk further thoughts of Andy Boyd, these posts enabled me to get the great picture, even if I wasn’t there.

The interesting discussion I had with Martin in Mannheim on his way back from Enschede gave a special flavour to the information I was able to get from the Net. I was curious to find out what was all about, and Martin mentioned some of the topics – personal weblogs compared to group weblogs, internal versus external blogs, and how they can be useful for learning, thinking and discussing with other people interested in the same topics. We also had the chance to compare our experiences in doing presentations on weblogs, to talk about each one’s topic for BlogTalk 2.0 – and of course about the bad habit of sending proposals in the very last minute!

By the way, I still due an explanation about my proposal, I finished it at 3:00 am before leaving, and then I wrote the previous post. I am sure I included a link pointing to my ideas, but as I lost the post three times before publishing it, it looks like I omitted this the last time!

April 01 2004 01:52 pm | Uncategorized